Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Palais des Papes, part deux

Last night we went out for a drink (I had mint tea at a Moroccan restaurant instead of a drink) and this is what we saw on our way. All of the various OFF theater companies putting up their posters. There are over 1,000 performances a day during the off festival!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today we had a 2.5 hour guided visit of the Palais des Papes and the oldest part of the city during 90 degree heat and sun...

Here is a scale model of the Palais....you can visit about 1/2 of it, the other have is administrative and houses the Congres de something (I forgot)

This is across one of the courtyards: (sorry I forgot to rotate before I uploaded)

this is looking up the chimney/ceiling of the kitchen. It was hot in there without a fire, I can only imagine what it was like when they were actually cooking.

This is the ceiling of the Gothic chapel. The Gothic style in Provence is different than the north...no transept.

After saying mass, the pope would come to this window to greet the worshippers out in the courtyard:

Here is a self-portrait  :-)

This is the altar of the flamboyant Gothic church Eglise Saint Pierre in the oldest part of the city:

 Tomorrow I attend my first play of the festival, so I'll have to let you know how it goes......


  1. Great photos. The churches are beautiful! Call Mom she won't look at the blog...don't ask me why.

  2. Hi, (it's Linda Johnson...I can't figure out how to post so let's try the anonymous route)

    I love your pictures and long to be back there! It's a pity you missed L'Isle s/la Sorgue. It's one of my favorite places, but you can go on a Sunday for the fabulous market. I'm glad to see you got to Arles. Nimes is lovely, too, as are Uzes and the Pont du Gard. De toute facon, amuse-toi bien!

  3. @Moe, I talked to her last night, and she did take a look at it. She said you sent her an email? In any case.

    @Linda (I suppose now I'm 43 I can call you than???) I may go there Sunday after next by myself. This sunday I am going with a Francaise who is a participant to visit her mother and do a general tour around Gordes, Pont du Gard and Nimes. I am really looking forward to it.

  4. Bonjour Laura, Nos mamans! How is the class? what play/s are you studying? What is the final assessment like? How is the food in town? I love your pix and Jon's enjoying them too.

    Bises, Korin

  5. Yes, you can call me Linda! I LOVE Gordes. Be sure not to miss L'Abbaye de Senanque nearby. The lavendar is in full bloom now, and it's an incredible sight. Be sure to stop on the one-lane road (you can pull off enough) to get out to look down on the abbey and the surrounding fields. If you're going to Gordes, I'd continue on to Roussillon.

    May I say, that 43 or not, I'd know you anywhere. You've barely changed in all these many years.

  6. One more question...was the Morrocan restaurant Le Riad? If so, that's the place I wanted to tell you about.

