Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Oh what Schmucks we are

So absolutely NO pictures to post today because upon arriving at the Louvre we realized that we forgot the camera at the apartment :-(    Christian took a few photos on his phone, but no way to download them since he doesn't have service.  So, no pictures of the Louvre, no pictures of Caroline's friend Ingrid, no pictures of Orsay (they don't let you take any there, anyway), no pictures of St. Sulpice, and no pictures of the Archaeological crypt at Notre Dame (which is really cool, BTW). And silly me, the guy taking tickets at the crypt asked me how old the kids were and when I answered 15 and 17, he said with a smile (in French, of course) "are you sure they aren't 14, because 14 and under is free."  So finally I get what he is doing and say, yes of course they are only 14, so he let them in for free saving us a total of 4 euro (about $6). Who says the French aren't friendly????  We were all exhausted so stayed in after dinner tonight. On tap for tomorrow is the Rodin Museum and garden, and after that, we have no clue. Tomorrow night after dinner we are going to walk down part of the Champs Elysees to the Arc de la Triomphe and climb that at night so we can see the Eiffel Tower glittering after dark.

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