Sunday, July 3, 2011

Arles and the Pont D'Avignon

So I was pretty sick on Saturday morning so I stayed in my room....I went out to the pharmacy to buy some meds, then went for a little walk. I was feeling a little better in the PM, so Maureen, Renee, Genevieve and I hopped on a train to Arles. Here are a few pictures:
the Arenes

The cafe Van Gogh made famous in one of his paintings:

The garden of his asylum when he went crazy:

A wedding we ran across:

Since I wasn't sure how I would feel today, I decided not to accompany a couple of people to L'Ile sur Sorgue which is about 20 mins away by train because they planned to bike 20 miles and I wasn't sure I'd feel up to it in the heat, so I opted to stay home :-(   I slept in until 9:00 then took a walk to Les Halles to see the daily indoor market, then walked all the way up to the Palais des Papes. I stopped in the Romanesque Cathedrale de Notre Dame de Doms......more of a small Romanesque church, not all all what you think of for a European cathedral: Here is the altar:

And here you can see some of the original painting on the walls. The church was started in the early 1100's

I then went to the park nearby to read for awhile because I am behind on my reading, When nature called, this is what I found:
Good thing I had kleenex in my purse.

Next I went to visit the Pont d'Avignon. Here is a better picture of the bridge: I must make a correction, the bridge was partially destroyed and rebuilt several times, with the final tragedy happening in the late 1600's

And while walking there I nearly stepped on this little guy:

As I headed home, there were preparations going on for the festival which starts in 3 days (The ON festival starts on the 6th, and the OFF festival starts on the 8th):

Back to my readings now.....


  1. Hi Laura, this is Janet aka anonymous
    I hope you are feeling better. I had your kids this weekend. We didn't do to much. Went to the pool yesterday, then dinner, and watched a movie. The slept until 12:30 PM!!!! today. I woke them up and we rode bikes to china town. Taking them home now.

  2. Hey Happy 4th! I am loving the pics. I hope you feel better, what happened? Cold? Stomach thing?

    xoxox maria

  3. I am glad you guys are enjoying it. Saturday was an immodium day, this morning was a nausea day. I hope I am done with sickness now. I managed to eat dinner of pasta and bread, so that's a start. Tomorrow is a tour of the Palais des Papes and it's supposed to be 90, so I am hoping to be on top of my game.
