Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My experience with French medicine

OK, so I have been sick off and on since I got here (stomach issues) so I went to see the doctor today. I set the appointment up yesterday. When I got there, I rang a bell, and the doctor came out to greet me when he let his other patient secretary or anything. I step into the examining room, which is also his office with his big desk and all his books and things. After examining me and listening to my symptoms he said I had a slight fever (99.1) and it looked like I had a slight issue with my throat. He gave me an antibiotic, and anti nausea and prilosec prescription and sent me on my way. Total cost for my visit:  23 euro (about $35). I headed to the pharmacy to get my prescriptions filled, and they, ironically, also cost me 23 euro. So, here's hoping that my $70 investment will make me well so I don't have to miss out on any more plays and I can head somewhere for the day this weekend. I am half-way through with my "essay" of 5 pages, so I hope to have no worries for the rest of the trip. Say a prayer for me that all my sickness will be gone. I miss you all!  xoxoxoxoxo  


  1. Que vous vous sentiez mieux.... Korin

  2. So now it is Friday and how are you feeling? Socialized medicine doesn't sound so much would that have een here? At least $130 out of pocket with Tim's insurance not to mentio n the time/salary of the person who processes the insurance claims on both sides.

  3. I am feeling a bit better, but not great. I wish I could say otherwise. It cost me about $75 total, which I will submit to insurance when I get home.

  4. Dear Laura,

    Glad to hear you are feeling a little better.

