Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pont d'Avignon and Mont Ventoux

On my walk with a few friends today we ventured across the Rhone. I took at picture of the famed bridge the "Pont d'Avignon" of which there is a famous french song. The bridge was started in 1177 and part of it collapsed in the 1600's, was rebuilt in over several years, only to collapse again 2 months later, never to be repaired again. When I took this picture I neglected to frame it properly, the bridge ends right behind the tree.

The next picture is the Mont Ventoux, the dreaded Mont Ventoux of the Tour de France fame.


  1. Are those mountains in the background of the Mount Ventoux bridge? How beautiful! You are so lucky!

  2. The bridge is acutally St. Benezet's Bridge, but it is commonly called the Pont D'Avignon. Mont Ventoux is the mountain looking thing in the background. It is part of the Monts de Vaucluse. From what I gathered, a "mont" is smaller than a mountain but larger than a hill.

  3. So it's montagne for mountain, right? (Let's see where/if this comment appears.....)

  4. Yippee, my comment is on the blog. This is a first for me :D

  5. Yay Susie, you got it! Sorry, I call you Susie and not Suzi. Aunt Kay wrote my name as Lora forever, so I get to write Susie. And yes, montagne is mountain.
