Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I am here!

OK, so after after a flight where they asked if their was a doctor on board for a sick passenger, and then an aborted landing because the tail-wind was too strong, we finally landed 20 minutes late. I met a fellow seminar attendee in the TGV station, so we passed our 2 hour layover together before our train left. My room is REALLY small and there is no fan and 90 degrees during the day, so I hope I won't be as miserable as I fear. Also, there is a strong sewer smell in my bathroom, which I already complained about, so hopefully that will get taken care of. We had a lovely get-together at our instructor's appartment, so I have met all of the other people in the seminar. I haven't really slept since I left on Monday, so I am hoping that I have a restful sleep tonight. I haven't taken any pics yet, but when I do, I will download them here. Bonne nuit.

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